The Earthen Team
The Earthen Team are a caring, honest & friendly bunch.
We strive to make beautiful products that are as natural as can be, always trialing & exploring new recipes for the perfect mix.
We are so passionate about safe pet care that we have designed a whole range.
Olive (Age 2 years), Betty (Age 2 years) & Lola (Age 11 years)
Head of Production & Distribution
Research & Development
Accounts & Finance
Product Analysis
Events & Wellbeing Officer
Project Manager
Chief Operating Officer
The Boss (CEO)
Head of Customer Services
Our Story
Hi, I am Olive,
I am a very sensitive pup, i am allergic to all sorts of things. I get really sore feet & red itches on my tummy. I like to lick my sore feet but that just seems to make them worse.
My Mum pops me in a warm bath with what she calls a bath fizzie. It tingles & feels good on my skin. My feet get better & the itchy bumps on my skin go away. This makes us all happy.
Them my mum likes to dry me with a big fluffy towel. It makes my fur all messy. She gives me a massage with her special balm into my skin. I love a massage, its just me & mum time. It feels good too. Mum says that us three are her absolute world.
Olive Age 2
Hello, I am Lola,
I am very grown up & my mum says I am a senior Pug. I get a bit wobbly these days & I get a bit confused in my old age.
My skin is a bit wrinkly, I sometimes smell a bit & my fur is a little thinner than it was. My mum says she loves me lots.
I like warm baths & my mum massages my skin with a soap bar just for me. (I think i am a little bit spoilt). She says I am an Old Age Pug (OAP). Mum likes to rub balm into my delicate skin too. it feels good & seems to stop me getting sore like i used to.
Hey, I am Betty,
I love biscuits … I don’t have allergies but i do like to roll in smelly things like sheep poo if i can. Mum does not seem to like the smell. i don’t know why as it is great. I do like a bath though and Mum uses her special soap that makes me feel really nice & smell just how she likes me.
I used to get very nervous around new people & I don’t like going to new places as I get scared. I tremble & sometimes I have a little nervous accident.
My mum is great. She now rubs on some sweet smelling balm around the inside of my collar and it helps me relax. I like new people coming to visit now as they give me a biscuit. I love biscuits.
Lola Age 11
Betty Age 2